
Posted: April 25, 2013 in Guantanamo

What to do with Gitmo? How do we get past holding 166 inmates at the Naval Station at Guantanamo Bay, or better known as Gitmo, made famous by the famous “A Few Good Men” movie. We need to first declare the end to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Once that occurs, then we can no longer consider the detainees as prisoners of war or any other type of relationship around being at war. Next step would be to give each person the chance to know what they are being charged with. You cannot hold a person without the ability to have their case heard in front of a judge. That was one of the founding reason this country was founded. (Remember the Magna Carta). Determine if we can charge any detainee with a crime.
We want to try them in a military tribunal verses in the US judicial system. This avoids giving the inmate the luxury of having the same rights as an US citizen. I do feel they can be treated fairly and without prejudice, because the military is trained to do so. Judges inherently want to be as fair as possible.
We need to allow the media to inspect and report on Camp 7. We are not getting any closer to resolution to the problem when there is a prison that we are holding the worst of the worst when we do not allow the media to report on them.
I think we should keep Gitmo open, I do think we need to judge those that are detained and allow them to have their day in court. Send those that cannot be charged back to their home country. I know some of them we cannot find a home country for them, but they have to come from somewhere … Find out where they are from and get rid of them. Easily said, but probably difficult to obtain. I think of the Ted Kasinsky of the world, if the US could get rid of him and pawn him off on another country, the US would probably do it.

It is frustrating for our President to make promises to close the Gitmo, then to discover after the fact that he and this country does not have the ability to do it. Another empty promise by a career politician.

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